The Inkbots

Mechanically Creative and Creatively Mechanic Since 2011

A Passive Voice Lesson with Zombies

Posted by Emma, who’s fooling around with things.

A friend posted this image, and I absolutely love it. It’s the perfect example of how to avoid passive voice, which is something I struggle with when writing.

“She was killed [by zombies.]” (Passive voice.)

“Zombies killed [by zombies] her.” (Active voice.)

“It was determined by the committee that the report was inconclusive [by zombies].”  (Passive voice.)

“We were invited [by our neighbours zombies] to attend their party.”  (Passive voice.)

“I felt like I was dying [by zombies], and that was a hell of a lot more painful than flat-out being dead [by zombies].” (Taken from my book REBEL. I’m just having fun here. 😀 )

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Hailing from the wet and windy Scottish Highlands, Emma is an avid reader and writer of YA novels. She works in IT and drinks too much tea. Her YA Fantasy novel REBEL AGAINST HEAVEN is being revised for submission.

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One Comment

  1. Nathanael Green
    December 18, 2012

    Love this! Can’t wait for next semester to start to share with my students!

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This article was written on 17 Dec 2012, and is filled under Miscellany.